Just A Picture
Just like you on a hungover mid-summer Saturday watching the room rippling while wild flowers bend in the heat, a girl like me has gotta hope.
But I remember your face. You were not thinking about me. Maybe I'll center yesterday's empty wine bottle on the linoleum floor and erase it with a hammer.
Should I do it?
Should I daydream?
In Long Island on a road following the beach and pink sunset on the sand I strolled, stretching my thrift shop jeans.
From a phone booth I called Noah and he picked me up for a fundraiser. Everyone was steeped in wealth. Half of them had AIDS and the music was bad. I didn't mind leaving money in the pot, but I didn't want to stay.
She's creeped out Noah, said his friend, and so am I.
So, what's your name? his friend asked me.
We met that day on the beach. They followed my prints to the water where I was stepping out of the easy bay surf in cut-offs, walking toward my workboots in the sand. Noah had long black tattoos slashing his back and ribs.
We work for MTV, they told me. Me? I was just looking for something to do.
Seventeen years later I still remember telling Sean that I had lost Noah's number. When Sean came back from the phone booth he handed it to me, but I didn't call again. What would I do with MTV?
The summer stuck like honey. Cool barrooms filled with drinkers in a fishbowl and a girl with sunburn and seasonal rent. I was waiting for September to brush the vacationers away.
Tomorrow is the first day of school, I said.
It is? asked Will. Well, cheers, he said.
A few weeks later he would nearly die turning off Sunrise Highway headed for my driveway. A speeding car hit him and knocked him off his motorcycle. I didn't know about it until I overheard his friends asking why I didn't care.
I didn't know! I said.
He rolled over on his stomach on his hospital bed and I counted more than 30 staples along his spine. They put rods in it, he said.
Clubs had rolled up their banners by late August. When I went back to school I bought lunch with couch change and read Baudelaire. Stinginess, sin, stupidity, shall determine our spirits' fashion… and we shall feed on the corpses of our remorses, he said.
Looking backwards nearly twenty years I don't see a stingy girl, or sinful, or stupid. My daydreams had always shaped me, and still do. My spirit lives and dies a hundred times a day based on my hopes and imaginings. I can see where we would feed on remorse -- the one thing left when failure leaves us in the void -- but I am not so sour. I am not there yet.
Just A Thought
I was standing in a bathrobe about to light a fresh cigarette.
He wore fuzzy slippers in the camper doorway.
Maybe he was shooting a movie.
Maybe a makeup man pushed gel through his hair.
Where is he? his beautiful curly co-star would ask.
Drunk, I think.
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