Monday, July 4, 2011

Writer's block starts without a thought and keeps on going…


Sparks danced from a sizzling fuse and a rocket shot up, whistling and trailing smoke. Silence came and we waited and watched above the trees.

A puff and boom threw fireworks into a crackling star and falling pieces bounced on the pavement around us and in my hair. Our neighbor's young son's curiosity died quickly when the noise scared him. His little legs flew and he threw himself against his father, mouth open and eyes shining. The cries were coming.

Jerry crossed the street with a small toy tank and a lighter. The little boy watched the sparks flare and fade.

That's all it does, Jerry said. Want to watch another loud one?

The little guy just shook his head.

Tonight I listened to the sky around me bang and pop. Happy July 4.


Lily sits under the desk gnawing on a rubber ball and stinking like a skunk. Stinky girl, Lily.

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