From the living room Jerry asks, Kendra, where did this letter come from?
What letter, I ask.
Looks like a love letter….
I run over to see, and recognize it immediately. It's from years ago. It's from an affair.
I toss the two-page single-spaced typing on the rocking chair and go back to the kitchen, shaking my head.
Later I fold clothes and hear pages turning.
So, what year was this from?
I think about my former employment, where I met B__ and recall our secrets.
I answer, 2004? 2003?
Jerry said, we met in 2003.
OK, Before that!!!!
When I first met Jerry we went to a friend's retirement party. She was leaving the newspaper where I worked and was moving away.
As most of our office staff sat around ordering cocktails, Emily whispered, Kendra, B__ is out in the lobby and he wants to talk to you.
This affair had meant different things to us. B__ was falling in love and I was running away from Ed. I just happened to run directly into B__ while looking for a way out. I regret it. I finally thought: this is not who I want to be. I don't want to be a cheater. I promptly lost respect for B__ and for myself and although I broke up with Ed eventually, I ended the B__ affair before that. He hung on, going through a heartbreak, writing me letters, and acting like these were little private keys I could use to come back to him. Of course, that's not the whole story, just the chapter headings.
Anyway, B__ showed up at my friend's going away party. I had broken things off months earlier, gone through all the arguments, and was firm. I wasn't coming back, ever ever ever and his persistence started to change him even more in my eyes. I started to lose patience and compassion.
Emily looked concerned. She glanced at Jerry who knew all about B__. He was smashing a linen napkin in his hands, and waiting for a sign from me.
Instead, my friend moved swiftly to the lobby and gave B__ hell. He left.
Back in the here and now, Jerry asked me, can I read this letter?
Well, I told him, it's embarrassing!
I won't, he said.
NO! Go ahead.
I mean, it was before I met you. It was years ago and everything happened the way I had explained...
For a little while I had thought that B__ had followed me to the bar near my house and watched me amid tattoos leather motorcycles noise friends booze booze booze, but that had been home for me where I was happy and with people I liked, and where Jerry and I decided to give one another a chance. He wrote me many frustrated letters and the details and accusations of the bar were clear.
I said, you know Jerry, read it, but it's just creepy! I mean, I don't know what it says!
Shut up already then, and let me read, he said.
No big deal. He read the words and dropped the pages on the coffee table. He kicked them a little, but that was it.
Later, I read the letter myself.
The words hit the page after the affair had ended for me, but still went on for B__. The feelings weren't done yet.
He quoted my past words I had said to him. Throwing them at me like little darts.
He wrote, this whole situation has been twisted beyond recognition…
He reminisces compliments accuses throws more of my own words around.
At the end of the second page, he wrote his name.
I had asked Jerry earlier, where did you find this?
In this yellow notepad, he said.
Huh, must have come with us from my apartment…
Oh well, who cares? My life could have gone in B__'s direction. I might live with a writer in Waterbury and never know anyone that I know now. No Jerry. No dogs. No Lily. I think she would have died if she had stayed at Charlie's.
B__ had written, I don't know what happened to you in your life, but you hide from a lot.
And the part that makes me think he was standing somewhere at a distance and watching me in my little Shelton bar….
He wrote, You hide in toothless bars, at the bottom of a vodka. The man I was with when I cheated with B__ was missing a couple, and I liked vodka at the time. Eek.
But I don't get up and dress everyday for a life with B__.
I get up instead and run with Lily. I wait for Jerry's call every afternoon asking if I want coffee. Stuff it, B__.