Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yesterday's baby blue sky curdled behind faint clouds. Darkness came. Hours later, Dawn crept over the horizon with a wash bucket, swiping away the darkness . Light brightened a pale off-white sky that snowed.

Lily's thumping tail got me up and out of bed.

I had been dreaming of an old newspaper owner that only visited my editorial offices a few times each year. He was always stiff, with a dark overcoat and briefcase. Will. He was not prone to smiling. He would wrap a fist beneath his chin and listen to a discussion, or interject by yelling.

In my dream, Will walked into the office, set his briefcase on a chair, and wrapped me in a vigorous hug.

Somewhere inside my head I have crossed wires.

Lily and I worked at our training and obedience today. Hershey shadows Lily. Bandit finds something to sniff, and Ozzy sits and snorts.

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