Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To a demon in the dark who turned to face me...

In the shadows on your cheeks and pool of blue in your eyes I see a song with holes in it where love could fit.

We are not everything all at once, I said. We are bits and pieces. We are dreams that come true. We are a little at a time.

Closer to me he wrapped his fingers through mine. I won't seduce you, he said.

Couldn't I beg a little, I thought.

He let my fingers go.


Autumn came and quickly took the light way. Leaves fell and I sought a cadence that I had lost.

I took my dogs in the forest and found stones dark with dew, weeping.

I see gold and black flashes of fur where Lily runs and I rush across uneven ground to find her.

Dying daylight turns her brown eyes to honey.

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