Monday, August 20, 2012

bye bye

Summer's yawning August days are slowing
the rhythms have snagged

blooming is dying 
daying is nighting


Just a glimpse

The pen must have shook in his old hands. 
In a coffee shop on an unremarkable Monday was a flyer folded and forgotten on a chair. Between coupons for free home security and a community church were cursive words: did you know that I am a very poor man? I didn't see my family, my kids.

Where did he go? Did anyone care or know the old man reading a flyer with a pen in his hand?


I don't have much tonight
I am tired as hell
been watching the summer burn out 
dead leaves falling

it goes like that
life and then nothing
laughter to silence
bright pink blooms to black

but we get it all back
this will happen again
it goes like that

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